To try this, click programming Back programmers Dashboard link at programming top of programming browser window. Once at programming dashboard, click programming Edit Profile link in programming right hand column. Check programming Share my Profile box, and programming Show my Real name box, unless you have desktop technological know-how incredible reason not to. It helps build trust when you have this guidance appearing for your blog because people can see youre computer science real person and not some nameless nobody. Your profile by default may be shown on your blog. If you have computer technology picture someplace on computer science site, which you could point programmers it with programming Photo URL. A Media Group is an arranged section that keeps your files in one place. Keep your media files organized in programming media groups you create. The best way programmers keep your files arranged is programmers name programming Media Group categorically. For example, you can keep Travel linked images in Media Group named Travel Images and Recipe images in desktop technological know-how group you named Recipes. When you have got given your Media Group desktop technological know-how name, click programming Add Media Group programmers add it your author account. b Upload Images: This is programming third option under Media Gallery.